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Our Story


Welcome to Agape Christ Church, a vibrant community of believers dedicated to the transformative power of Jesus Christ's love. Founded on the principles of faith, hope, and love, our church is a sanctuary where individuals and families come together to grow spiritually and build meaningful connections.

Secretary - Br.Clement

+44 7735 800383

Treasurer - Br.Colbin

+44 7728 368650

Worship Leader - Br. Linson

+44 7464 949456

Pastor-Minson Mathew

+44 7903 737644

Our Products

 At Agape Christ Church, our mission is to spread the message of love, grace, and salvation through Jesus Christ. We believe in the transformative power of the Gospel and strive to make a positive impact on the lives of those we encounter. Our commitment is to share the good news, serve our community, and foster an environment where individuals can experience the boundless love of God.


We are a Christ-centered community that upholds the teachings of the Bible as the foundation of our faith. We believe in the Triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—and embrace the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Our doctrinal beliefs are anchored in the historical Christian faith, and we seek to live out our convictions with love, compassion, and humility.


Agape Christ Church is a place of vibrant worship where believers gather to praise and honor God. Our worship services are characterized by uplifting music, dynamic preaching, and a warm sense of community. We encourage fellowship among our members, fostering an atmosphere of support, encouragement, and shared spiritual growth

Worship & Fellowship

As followers of Jesus, we are called to serve and love our neighbors. Agape Christ Church is actively involved in community outreach programs, seeking to make a positive impact on the lives of those in need. From local service projects to global missions, we are dedicated to being the hands and feet of Jesus in the world.

Community Outreach

Whether you are new to faith, seeking answers, or looking for a spiritual home, we welcome you to Agape Christ Church. Our doors are open to individuals from all walks of life, and we invite you to join us on this journey of faith, love, and transformation.

Join Us


Charlie McMann


Alex Smith


Kris Ward


Reese Whitman

Our Team

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